Observing, gathering 50 documents
 Trains retracing pathways and routes of fixed tracks. The people within the spaces, retracing their routines, thoughts, developing a connection with public transport and people. Exploring temporary moments and connections with people, in our semi-permanent routines.
The Intervention
“Evoking Connections with Strangers” explores and re-invites connections. The underlying intentions of this intervention were to spark intrigue and to begin re-creating connections during an anti-social period.  In different areas of the Britomart train station, I held a hand-made sign that said “Hello! Have a good day!” With my face mask on, no verbal communication on my part. A temporary moment of connection with a stranger with a simple gesture. Replies from outgoing and incoming passengers ranged from a hand wave, an eye smile, a nod, verbal replies.
A Manifesto
 “Reinventing Connections Through a Common Connection” explores the rapid shifts in communication and connections between people. Describing the human interactions on trains and redefining ‘The Commons’ through different time periods. Starting at the anti-social period previously, current interactions in the center of a global pandemic, and finally, what the potential future could look like. The New Connection provides alternatives to communicating and connecting through our bodies, hands, and faces.
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